Microsoft Certifications awarded
CHS Class of 2019
CHS Softball Celebrates Seniors
CHS 2019 Graduates at KES
Microsoft TEALS Program. Computer science in every high school.
NJHS Inductees for 2019
Carnes presents award to Bliss of Lunenburg, Inc.
CHS GSSV Students Graduate with Associates Degree from SVCC
McDaniel Boys working for IMG when they were 8 years old
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week
Key Players in Lunenburg becoming a Certified Work Ready Community
100 Best W!se High Schools - Hope Scott Representing CHS
CHS Student Places Third Overall in VSBA Art Contest
parent and student taking SOL test at SOL Expo
Mrs. Word and her All State Elementary Chorus Participants
Career Expo 2019
April Co-op Students of the Month - D. Bishop, D. Moore, B. Franklin
Group that participated on the CHS Prom Promise 2019
CHS Building Trades Class and their cabinets
LCPS SVRTC 2019 Award Winners